Waiting For The Hope of Righteousness…

Waiting For The Hope of Righteousness…

Good morning my brother walking in the Spirit. May the Holy Spirit be your guide, your comfort and your counsel in this day and all the days to come.

Heavenly Father, God Almighty, it is Your word that breathes life into this bag of bones. It is Your Word that raises us to new life in Your Son, Jesus Christ. We can not find comfort in the law but You, Father God, gave us Your Son to take our place on the cross, to remove sin from our lives and through grace we find comfort. We are born again into the body of Christ. Thank You Heavenly Father, God Almighty for loving us first and loving us enough to grant us such favor.

It is by the renewing of our mercies every morning, Father God, that we start fresh every morning. It is the dawn of a new day in Your eyes and we are every grateful for the love You shower our lives with in this day. Father God, we bow before You, in the name of Jesus Christ, and we bow before no other god nor any man. Father, strengthen us in this day to remove those idols we have placed in our heart or in our lives. Burn them to ash with fire from above. Remove our shortcomings in this day and free us to be captive in the Liberty of Your love.

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For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love. ~ Galatians 5:5-6 NASB95

Father God, it is by faith, not by sight, that we follow Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, we have witnessed a mighty work by Your hand. We have witnessed restoration, renewal and life resurrected. This miracle could only come from a God more powerful than machine, more powerful than any other god and more loving than we can even comprehend. It is by Your hand, God Almighty, that Your child, my brother, Erik, has been fully restored. It is by Your hand that Your child, my brother, Erik, has been renewed and been given life resurrected. Heavenly Father, we humbly come before You to ask the work continue. Continue, Father God, strengthening Erik’s bones, lungs and muscles. Let him walk his property unassisted, let him live his life full with his family. Restore Christy, Father God. Strengthen her that she may continue to be a blessing to Erik, their family and the community You, Father, have placed them. Let Erik, Christy and all entire Dattwyler family stand up on the Rock that is Jesus Christ.

This we pray in the loving name of Jesus Christ. Amen Amen Amen

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